Forms Brake Concern Form “Your” Car Care Maintenance Plan Noise / Vibration Concern Drivability Concern Fluid Leak Concern Brake Concern Form Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Vehicle Year(Required)Vehicle Make(Required)Vehicle Model(Required)When are the noises? Always Intermittent Rarely Where do you think the issue is located? Drivers Side Front Passengers Side Front Drivers Side Rear Passenger Side Rear Front Rear Please check all that apply.Does your vehicle stop okay? Yes No The brake pedal seems... To work okay Hard Soft Too high Too low Spongy To pulse or chatter To work better when pumped To return too slowly Please check all that apply.Does the vehicle: Stop Straight Pull left when braking Pull right only when braking None of the above Please check all that apply.Do the brakes: Make Noise when Brakes Applied Noise goes away when Brakes applied Grab (You touch the brakes and they react in a far stronger way than they would normally) Vibrate / Pulsate Seem to be dragging (Feels like you are applying light pressure to the brakes) Please check all that apply.The emergency / parking brakes Work okay Don't work properly Are rarely used Has brake fluid been added in the last 6 months? Yes No Are any of these warning lights on? ABS Yellow Brake Lamp Red Traction Light Stabilitrac Light Have any repairs been done recently? If so, please specify.Additional Information if required Download Print Version – Brake Form “Your” Car Care Maintenance Plan Caring for and maintaining your car is the most important factor in ensuring that it enjoys a long and healthy life. Some repairs to your car are inevitable as it ages due to regular wear and tear. However, by caring for and maintaining your car properly, many repairs can be minimized or even eliminated altogether saving you money. A maintained vehicle is safe and reliable vehicle for you, your family and others.Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Vehicle Year(Required)Vehicle Make(Required)Vehicle Model(Required)How long have you owned the Vehicle? Since New Less than a Year 1-2 Years 2-3 years 3-4 Years 4-5 Years Over 5 years How long do you plan on keeping the vehicle? Less than a Year 1-2 Years 3-4 Years 4-5 Years Over 5 years Could your vehicle be passed onto a family member or Friend? Yes No Unsure Transmission Service (Every 80000 Kms Service) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Differential Service (Every 80000 Kms Service) Not Applicable (Its Front Wheel Drive) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Transfer Case Service (Every 80000 Kms Service) Not Applicable (It's 2WD) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Fuel Filter (Yearly Service Interval) Not Applicable (Has None) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Power Steering Service (Every 80000 Kms Service) Not Applicable (Electric Steering) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Timing Belt (Around 100000 kms Service) Not Applicable (No Timing Belt) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Diesel EGR Cleaning (Yearly Service Interval) Not Applicable ( Not a Diesel) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Spark Plugs (Every 120000 kms Service) Not Applicable (Diesel / EV) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Fuel Injection and Carbon Cleaning (Yearly Service Interval) Not Applicable (Diesel / EV) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Cabin Air Filter (Yearly Service Interval) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Brake Fluid Exchange (Every 50000 kms Service) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Cooling System Service (Every 120000 kms Service) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Engine Air Filter (Yearly Service Interval) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Brake Service (Pads, Caliper, Sliders) (Yearly Service) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Engine Serpentine Belt (Every 100000 kms Service) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info A/C Service (Yearly Interval) Not Applicable (No A/C) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Tire Rotation (Every 12000 kms) It's done with my Seasonal Tire Change Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info Wheel Alignment Check (Yearly Service) Add this Service to my "Car Care Plan" I've had this done Need More Info NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Download Print Version – Your Car Care Plan Noise / Vibration Concern Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Vehicle Year(Required)Vehicle Make(Required)Vehicle Model(Required)The concern occurs(Required) Always Sometimes Rarely Is this a Noise or Vibration Concern(Required) Noise Vibration Both At what speed does the Concern occur?(Required)In km/hWhen did you notice the concern? Suddenly Gradually Recently Since a service or repair was done Suddenly? Gradually? Recently? Since New? After an abnormal instance (ex. Pot holes, curb impact, etc)?If since a previous service or repair, please describe what was done.When does the concern occur? Light to medium acceleration Hard acceleration Deceleration Cruising (consistent speed) Braking Turning In reverse First thing in the morning Normal road Driving in a parking lot Rough road Going over bumps Wet road With vehicle occupants Cold weather Please check all that apply.Where is it felt / heard? Front Of Vehicle Rear Of Vehicle Steering Wheel Floor Seat Mirrors Instrument Cluster (Dash) Console Brake Pedal Clutch Pedal Accelerator Pedal Gear Shift Lever Please select all that apply.Which type of noise fits your concern? Engine Noise Brake Noise Vibration Noise Wind Noise Suspension Noise Instrument Panel Noise Interior Noise Does any action stop or change the noise / vibration? Bang (Any brief, loud and sharp sounds almost like a gun firing.) Buzz (A constant sound that can also be felt through the steering wheel or vibrations through the floor.) Click (A light sound, like a ball-point pen being clicked.) Clunk (An abrasive sound, like a grinding stoned.) Grind (A harsh metal-on-metal scraping noise.) Hiss (It sounds like air or steam escaping from somewhere.) Rattle (The same sound as marbles rolling around in an empty can.) Thump (A loud dull noise) Tinging (A high pitch tone) Squeak (A short shrill cry or noise) Whine (A drawn out higher-pitched noise that usually changes with engine speed.) Wind Noise (A "whoosh" type of noise) Rhythmic Clunk, Bang, Tap or Squeal Growl (A low sound, like an angry dog) Knock (Like a knock on a door) Hum (Like a wire humming in the wind) Boom (A sound like a drum roll or distant thunder) Boom (A sound like a drum roll or distant thunder) Have any repairs been done recently? If so, please specify.If the noise / vibration occurs in a specific instance and the above questions didn't describe it properly, please tell us how so we can try to recreate it to better identify the issue.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Download Print Version – Noise Vibration Form Drivability Concern Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Vehicle Year(Required)Vehicle Make(Required)Vehicle Model(Required)The issue occurs...(Required) Always Intermittent Rarely Are there Warning Lights On?(Required) Yes No The issue occurs during...(Required) First start of the day After sitting a few hours Light to medium acceleration Hard acceleration Cruising Deceleration Braking Turning When in 4WD Air Conditioning on Hot days Humid / rainy days Cold days Very Cold Days Please select all that apply.Did the issue occur...(Required) Suddenly Gradually Recently Since I got the vehicle After an abnormal occurrence (ex. pot holes, curb impact, etc.) Other Please check all that apply.At what "engine" temperature does the issue occur? Cold Warm Hot Please check all that apply.Does the engine "crank"?(Required) Yes No Does the engine start? Yes No If yes, how long does it take to start? Starts Normal Seems to take a bit longer Cranks over for 10 plus seconds Gas Pedal to the Floor Is the vehicle equipped with a remote starter system? Yes No Is the engine idle... Rough Unsteady Low High Surging Does the engine quit immediately after starting? Yes No Please describe the vehicle's engine performance problem(s). Hesitates or stalls on acceleration Stalls on deceleration or quick stops Lacks power Misses under load "Pings" or "knocks" Backfires (popping noise) Speed changes without touching accelerator Check Engine Light Is Flashing Other Is the issue evident now?(Required) Yes No Can you recreate the concern if required for the tech?(Required) Yes No Does the issue occur when the gear is in...(Required) P (park) R (reverse) N (neutral) D (Drive) Please select all that apply.Did this happen shortly after something was done to the vehicle?(Required) Yes No Have you done any repairs to try and correct this concern?(Required) Yes No Additional Information if RequiredNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Download Print Version – Drivabilty Form Fluid Leak Concern Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Vehicle Year(Required)Vehicle Make(Required)Vehicle Model(Required)The leak occurs(Required) Always Sometimes Rarely When did you notice the concern?(Required) Suddenly Recently Since a service or repair was done Gradually Since new After an abnormal instance Please check all that apply.What colour is the fluid? Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Pink Brown Black Clear Unsure Where do you think the leak is located? Drivers Side Front Passengers Side Front Drivers Side Rear Passengers Side Rear Middle of Vehcile Sunroof Door Front Rear Other Do you have to add fluid? Yes No Are there any warning lights on? Yes No Have you done any repairs to try and correct this concern? Yes No NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Download Print Verison – Brake Form