We provide honest service and quality automobile repairs.


About Panda Tire & Auto OwnersCurtis and Rosemarie

Curtis and his wife and business partner, Rosemarie, share a full life and successful business.

Curtis has been in the automotive business even before founding Panda Tire & Auto with his wife in 1992. Curtis also has many years of business management and customer service history preceding his automotive career.


About Panda Tire & Auto Operation

Curtis’ able leadership, much like his favorite cars, run smoothly and in balance with his seasoned management skills, advanced technological skills, and early wrench experiences. As car technology advanced into the 21st century, Curtis worked for many years as a manager for some of the most well known ‘big guys’ in the automobile service business.

It’s not surprising that folks who knew Curtis then, now send the younger generation of the panda-tire families to Curtis’ shop for car service today. Over the years, Panda Tire & Auto Service Center has earned a solid reputation for delivering the kind of car care service a new customer can always rely on without a doubt. The shop’s longtime customers all know the next time their car needs service they are in good hands.

All in all, the shop is a product of Curtis’ original interest and passion for cars. A passion that he enjoyed when he was very young, when he first took high school shop classes, restored a 1922 model T with his father in law, and raced at SIR regularly. Proving to be a genuine leader of the pack, Curtis, with the support of his staff will keep cars in the growing Moose Jaw community running well for years to come.

About Panda Tire & Auto Affiliations

CAA Approved Auto Repair Shop

Panda Tire & Auto Service Center has met the stringent criteria of CAA in areas such as staff, equipment, appearance, scope of service and most importantly, customer satisfaction. This gives CAA members peace of mind when looking for automobile service and repairs.

CAA Auto Repair Services Moose Jaw

Panda Tire & Auto Mission

We recognize that auto service and unexpected car care experiences are a necessary inconvenience. Our mission at Panda Tire & Auto Service Center is to maximize customer convenience on every visit while remaining focused on delivering affordable and dependable service.

Panda Tire & Auto Mission

We recognize that auto service and unexpected car care experiences are a necessary inconvenience. Our mission at Panda Tire & Auto Service Center is to maximize customer convenience on every visit while remaining focused on delivering affordable and dependable service.